What are the two where’s of business? In the first iteration of my Conscious Business Model (above) I only had one. The Conscious Business Model outlined the two What’s, two Whys, two How’s and one ‘Where’ of business. This ‘Where’ is your marketplace which is part of your Global marketplace. You decide where you position […]
Conscious Business Blueprints
Your Conscious Business Blueprint outlines the truth of who you are as a business.
If only I had more time I would… Well, now you have. WOW! It’s what you’ve always wanted! So how are you going to spend it? My choice is this – to embrace this time, this present, with love. This time is a gift. This present. This – no expectation to do anything or go […]
Who Are We?
Successful business relies on successful relationships and every relationship in our business starts with us (whether we are a solopreneur or business team). We are the first value of any relationship. WHO WE ARE – is the first thing customers come into contact with before they connect with our Product. WHO WE ARE – wraps […]
The Elements of YOU
Define the elements that make up WHO you are as a business. Your Brand (your reputation) – attracts people to you. Your Product (your value offering) – makes the acquaintance Your Brand Personality – invites friendships Your Values – (when lived consistently) – earn trust and respect Your Purpose (how you want your customers to […]
Our Values – Conscious Business
At Conscious Business we don’t just define one HOW – we define two HOW’s. Your Big HOW – (Your Values) – your guiding principles for how you do business. And your Personal How for your business – (Your Brand Personality) defining your unique attitude, tone and style. When you define your HOW’s through the Conscious […]
Our Manifesto – Conscious Business
We love businesses who are real, who have looked at themselves from the inside out, and offer their product in service of others. We love helping entrepreneurs, and business owners and their teams get to know WHO they are – WHO they really are. Not just who they think they should be. We […]
We Feel Truth
This week my workshoppers presented their Conscious Business Blueprints. After 6 weeks of going through my process to determine their truth as a business, they bravely stepped up and presented their: Global Vision; Purpose; Values; Brand Personality; Products (Value offerings) and Brand Essence. With confident self-belief they revealed their truth: WHO they are as […]
Believe in Yourself
Your Conscious Business Blueprint outlines the truth of who you are as a business. Whether YOU are a solopreneur, small team or corporation. This Blueprint is an everyday guide to help you, BE YOU, in all aspects of business. We have been taught by traditional business that we need to be ‘this way’ or ‘that […]