My Purpose for Conscious Business is that I want clients to feel – I AM my business.
What you invest your energy into, becomes you.
What you give, you get back.
So, I hope you are investing yourself in a business that you are passionate about, that you love and you are energising yourself through what you do.
Or even if the business is not your passion, I hope your profession, work and the people you serve are, and you are passionately investing your skills and abilities.
Business doesn’t have to be done a certain way. It can be done your way.
And that is one of the most common responses I get from business owners whom I mentor.
Oh – so you mean I can be me? It’s OK to be me in business?
Being who you are in business – frees you up.
It makes business and your work, flow, it makes it easier, natural and authentic.
You don’t need to revert to the safe confines of what the industry does and clone yourself.
Or become a schizophrenic hybrid of all your competitors’ best bits.
You just need to stand in your I AM!
When you focus on you,
You find that YOU are the differentiation you’ve been looking for.
YOU are that unique selling proposition that no one else can copy, because they are not you.
The first step is becoming more aware of WHO you are,
and then look at ways you can fine-tune your business and what you do, to reflect the real you.
For this gig to be sustainable – your business needs to be you.
By being you, your natural default (what you do) in times of stress will be strategically correct.
You see if you say you are something,
And then default to something else in times of stress,
You are damaging this Brand you have made up.
The best, simplest, cut to the chase, long-term strategy – is to be you as a Brand.
That is WHO you are as an individual, or who you collaborately agree you are as a collective business team.
Be you.
So, you are like no one else.
So, you can say – I AM my Business and work a life you love.
X Cath
Conscious Business
Integrate your truth
Hi Cath,
Great post, and just at the right time for me. I met you a couple of years ago and bought your book. It’s taken me a while but I’m finally at the point where I’m confident to be me and develop my own unique way! Reading this has just set my day into motion with a resounding “YES!”