My Global Vision is to:
Inspire businesses to stand in their truth,
Passionately contribute to something greater and
Collectively nurture our planet.
I believe business is a value exchange –
and our potential value is far greater than the product we offer.
We can all play a bigger game.
Business can be a force for good and offer exponential value to our society.
If every business contributed to something greater
we wouldn’t need charities or social organisations.
Our governments tax business to enforce us to give back, to contribute.
But we can give more than money.
How we expend ourselves is far more powerful than how we spend our money.
We can volunteer our energy, our team, our resources, our expertise and skills to serve others in areas we are collectively passionate about as a business.
When we connect to and invest in what we are passionate about, we can be emotionally fuelled and energised in return.
So, the paradox is, by serving others in areas we are passionate about, we are self-serving.
- Who are you as a business?
- What are you passionate about as an individual or collective?
- What value can you offer to enrich your customers?
- What value can you offer to enrich suppliers and other energyholders (stakeholders)?
- What value can you offer to enrich your community?
What value can you offer to enrich others and in turn your business, life and you?
X Cath
Conscious Business
Integrate your truth