Yes – that is correct – they are NOT always right. Please don’t fall into the trap that they are. The danger of thinking that your customer is always right, is that you may contort yourself and your product into something that you are not, just to accommodate their needs. In the process, you […]
Building Trust and Respect
Our Values, when we determine them and we’re clear on what they mean to us, can be powerful guidelines for everything we do. They can become our personalised formula for HOW we (and our team) operate in any situation. When we activate our Values in everything we do – others learn that we operate […]
Connection – The Essence of Conscious Business
Conscious Business is about connecting business to a new way of doing business. To raise awareness of who you are – every one of you. To connect eastern spiritual life philosophies with western functional business ways. To connect and find balance between the female and the male, the yin and the yang, the left […]
I Quit Business Sugar
I love Sarah Wilsons’ I QUIT SUGAR. I did the 8-week program and 3 years on I still have limited sugar. After a while of being off sugar, you realise how ‘sweet’ natural sugars really are and you don’t want or need what you were once addicted to. I think it’s the same for business. […]
How Is Your Business Expressing Itself?
Businesses are a form of expression, continually evolving and devolving, depending on who is at the helm. This expression depends on the leader’s self-awareness and their awareness of their business energy (the collective energy of everyone who works with the business). You can tell a lot about a leader by how they manage their […]
Can Your Business Answer This?
I want to know WHY you are in business and how through your business you want to change the world. I want to know, when I buy something from you – am I also contributing to something greater? I want to know WHY you are in business for me? How will the experience of […]
So Why Make A Values Cocktail?
The point of the Values Cocktail – (previous blog – WHAT’S YOUR COCKTAIL?), is to demonstrate that you can activate and live your Values with absolutely everything you do. So why do this? Developing your own values cocktail is a quirky way to help you to remember your most important guidelines and keeps them […]
What’s Your Cocktail?
You can activate who you are, including your Values, in everything you do. Take Conscious Business for example. I used my Brand Values to inspire my very own cocktail. Explorative –we are courageous explorers in the discovery of life. Exploring my values through cocktail mixing. (What a great idea!); Natural – Feel your true […]
Your Values Hat Trick
I like to use my Values like Edward de Bono’s’- Six Thinking Hats and bring each one of them out to contemplate with, when I have an issue. My values are; explorative, natural, spiritual, creative and playful. So just imagine a hat for each value. When finding a solution to an issue or guidance around […]
How Do You Choose To Perceive Your Experiences?
In September 2014, I travelled to Ladakh, a magical Buddhist ex-kingdom in the foothills of the Himalayas in northern India. It was here, I was honoured to meet a Rinpoche, a revered, reincarnated Buddhist Lama. Over dinner, Atak Rinpoche recounted how he had meditated in a mountain cave for 40 days. This saw the […]
Be YOU In Business
You started your own business because you are PASSIONATE! Passionate to live your life doing what you LOVE. So, how’s that working for you? Hopefully you’re having a blast! Loving what you do and making all the money you need to support your vision and dreams. But odds on, you need a cuppa (or something […]
About Cath Sutherland
Our business environment is constantly changing and evolving.So, as business owners and managers, we also need to constantly change and evolve how we do business. But how do we do this without losing who we are? How do we adapt and stay relevant?In this changing environment, how do we seamlessly continue to build great relationships with […]