Your Conscious Business Blueprint outlines the truth of who you are as a business.
Whether YOU are a solopreneur, small team or corporation.
This Blueprint is an everyday guide to help you, BE YOU, in all aspects of business.
We have been taught by traditional business that we need to be ‘this way’ or ‘that way’ to be successful. The truth is, being who we really are, is the real path to success.
We just have to believe in ourselves.
When you are yourself, you:
- Do business naturally and intuitively. This saves you time, worry and wasted energy. You can also freely use your natural talents.
- Attract ‘like’ energy – team members, customers, suppliers, stakeholders, or as I like to call them Energyholders. These Energyholders, because they share your energy, also energise your business.
- Make authentic connections and lasting relationships for business success.
This blueprint doesn’t just take one aspect; your Why, Purpose, Values, Brand Personality or Product. It looks at all of these elements and how, when aligned, they fuel each other, strengthen each other and integrate into a unique powerful whole.
This blueprint harnesses your passions. It wraps what you do with who you are into a package that simply and powerfully says, this is me! This is why I am in business, this is how I do business and this is the unique value I offer. If you feel aligned with who I am, join me.
Your Conscious Business Blueprint is made up of five Brand Energy Elements. By activating your Brand Energy Elements; by being true to who you are; you can determine your relationships and business success.
Successful business relies on successful relationships.
OUR GLOBAL VISION – is our greater vision and ignites the spark of our energy. Our Global Vision is our big WHY we are in business. By activating our Global Vision we encourage life partnerships with all of our stakeholders.
OUR PURPOSE – charges our energy and is how we want the experience of our product to feel. Our Purpose is our personal WHY we are in business. By activating our Purpose, those who come into contact with our business come to love us.
OUR VALUES – fuel our energy and guide our way. Our Values are our big HOW we do business. By activating and living our Values in everything we do – we earn trust and respect.
OUR PERSONALITY – is the unique style of connection we want to make. It sets the attitude, tone and style of everything we do. Our Personality is our personal HOW we do business. By activating and living our unique Personality, we develop friendships and enjoy growing our brand and business with like-minded customers and energyholders.
OUR PRODUCT – is our connection point. It is how our customers, suppliers, partners and other energyholders connect with us. Our Product is our personal WHAT – we want customers to buy. What are customers plugging into? When customers connect with our Product we make the acquaintance.
Bring your Conscious Blueprint to life, in any way your imagination takes you. I recently used my very own blueprint to develop a Values Cocktail! You can read all about it here.
Condense these pure elements into a perfume bottle and give it a name – that is your ESSENCE.
Take the meanings of your Values and put them together in a few short paragraphs, and that is your Code of Conduct.
There is a myriad of ways you can live and celebrate who you are as a business. Check into The Party Room to discover more and enjoy exclusive access to the blueprints of our Conscious Businesses.