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Australian Values
As I stood in memorial over my candle in the driveway this ANZAC weekend I was transported back. It was the cool early hours of the morning, in October 2007....
Gain 'look at moi ploise' confidence
Our Brand Personality – What makes us ‘Noice, Different, Unusual’?
  What makes us so special? How do we make friends? How do we describe ourselves on social media? What personalises us? What instructions do we give AI, so any...
Businessman looking through binoculars with a blue sky as background
Your Global Vision
Your Business Vision is your overarching AIM for your business plan. Your Vision is your imagined picture of what your business looks like, feels like, is doing and achieving in...
Your Purpose
Your Purpose is not about making money and not about making a particular product. Your Purpose is WHY you are really in business. You produce a product for a reason...
Your Values
We all have certain Values that underlie how we live our lives. By defining our Values and the intentions of our Values, we then have a filter to guide our...
Your Brand Personality
When I facilitate Blueprinters' through their Brand Personality, I ask a lot of right brain questions. This is so we can fully explore all aspects of who they are -...
Your Product
  Why do we need to determine who we are as a business? Why can’t we just go out there and sell our Product? Because our Product is created by...
Your Brand Energy
Positive Brand Energy: Attracts, Connects, Energises, Empowers, Drives, and Fulfils Your market, community, customers, stakeholders, suppliers, team, managers and directors (everyone who comes in contact with your business). Your positive...
The Conscious Business Lookbook
Conscious Business Blueprint
Your Conscious Business Blueprint outlines the truth of who you are as a business. Whether you are a solopreneur, small team or corporation. This Blueprint is an everyday guide to...
I had a past life as a Creative Director of radio stations in the 80’s and early 90’s. So much fun! This role saw me writing radio ads, directing production...
Truth – the key to transformation
  Our life’s journey is the fire of our truth. How well we forge our truth, depends on how willing and prepared we are to step aside from our ego. And...
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How Can You Create Brand Energy?
My new mentor, when he reviewed my book Creating Brand Energy, said to me, “From a physics perspective - how can you create energy if energy can never die, it...
Country - Our BIG and most important where.
The Two Where’s of Business
What are the two where’s of business? In the first iteration of my Conscious Business Model (above) I only had one. The Conscious Business Model outlined the two What’s, two...
Transcend Fear
If you want to be a great leader. This book is for you. Transcend Fear is a roadmap to be a great leader in the face of a crisis. Written...
Take Your Values off the Wall
LG Accounting Solutions Values- they activate their values in everything they do.   When determining Values, I believe, for them to be truly activated in your business and key pillars of your brand...
Successful Relationships
As my mantra in business is, 'Successful business relies on successful relationships', I have been musing and exploring, what makes a great relationship. All relationships start with YOU. Take responsibility...
Even though I had a year on sabbatical in 2022, I did work with 2 clients facilitating them through their Conscious Business Blueprints. A new business networking group LYFTA, of...
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Inspired by Michael Singers’ book The Surrender Experiment, I made my word for 2022 Surrender. I also took a year off to see what the flow of life would present....
We are ONE
It’s ironic, that in this era of acceptance, diversity, inclusion, innovation, fierce conversations, transparency, open-ness and living our truth, we are in a period where none of this is apparent....
What is Your Operating Program?
Your business is your hardware.  And you and your team are your software.   You may have your systems and processes developed to direct the flow of your activities, but do you have a clear operating program? ...