The Two Where’s of Business
What are the two where’s of business? In the first iteration of my Conscious Business Model (above) I only had one. The Conscious Business Model outlined the two What’s, two Whys, two How’s and one ‘Where’ of business. This ‘Where’...

Transcend Fear
If you want to be a great leader. This book is for you. Transcend Fear is a roadmap to be a great leader in the face of a crisis. Written by the Surgeon General of Florida, Dr Joseph Ladapo. ...

Successful Relationships
As my mantra in business is, 'Successful business relies on successful relationships', I have been musing and exploring, what makes a great relationship. All relationships start with YOU. Take responsibility for you. Do the work on you. Own your own...

Even though I had a year on sabbatical in 2022, I did work with 2 clients facilitating them through their Conscious Business Blueprints. A new business networking group LYFTA, of which my husband James Sutherland is a co-founder and my...

Inspired by Michael Singers’ book The Surrender Experiment, I made my word for 2022 Surrender. I also took a year off to see what the flow of life would present. What I ended up doing this year, was not what...

We are ONE
It’s ironic, that in this era of acceptance, diversity, inclusion, innovation, fierce conversations, transparency, open-ness and living our truth, we are in a period where none of this is apparent. We have been swept up in fear. We may be...

Be Gracious
I experienced a very ungracious day yesterday. People who I expected more of (expectations are a cause of suffering *), were very ungracious, rude and disrespectful to me and others. Which is a reminder to me to be more gracious...

Don’t Let Your Mind Hide Yourself From Yourself
Bam! I was in my yoga class this Saturday and the very wise Matt Exley from Twisting Fish Yoga said this at the very beginning of the class, as he was leading us through some breath work. This is it!...

Align your BEING with your DOING
We have been taught how to do business and programmed through traditional education, business schools, universities, and business coaching to do business a certain way. It’s like we are walking around in a heavy coat of business ‘shoulds’. These ‘shoulds’ only weigh us down, block and...